I really enjoy making bias binding. I think of all of the parts of the processes in quilting this one is my absolute favorite.

I've found that each part of the process is essential. Ironing and pressing well is so vital to making good bias binding. I use the linen (highest heat setting) on my iron and I use steam. "Why," you might ask yourself, "would she risk burning her fingers for bias binding?"
First, I like the facial aspect. What woman doesn't want a good steam facial? And it's free to boot! If there is any room for shrinkage, the fabric shrinks here and now. Not later when it's on the quilt.

Rulers, mats and a newish rotary blade are essential for getting those great cuts on the fabric. I start with anywhere from an 18" square to a 40" square. There are times when an 18" square will yield all the binding I need. Some times I need two 40" squares. Just depends on the size of the project.

And I'm of the mind that you can never have too much bias binding. Here I'm "squaring up" to make sure the square is just the right size.

Getting the 45 degree angle just right is so important. So is taking really good pictures. I'm seeing I need to do this on a day where the light is great and I don't need my flash. I fiddle, fiddle until I get this angle just right. Cutting accurately is essential for the next several steps (not showing photo's here today.)

Oh that quarter inch is so so necessary and I need to be so accurate with it while I'm stitching.

lining up the fabric to cut the strips or mark the back of the fabric with lines (if I need continuous binding) takes a few extra minutes, however in the end it's all worth it. I can get miles of binding in just a few minutes. This batch will be used for a couple of tote bags!
1 comment:
Hi Teri - thanks for visiting my blog! it's nice to find a fellow crafter in the city... maybe we can swap ideas about shopping for fabric and goods... speaking of which, where do you buy your quilting supply (batting and such?)? I'm looking for an easily accessible spot... let me know!
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