Thursday, September 13, 2007

Here's hoping

That I can get into my sewing room tomorrow. I miss the sewing machine. The familiar hum as I stitch along. The feel of the fabric under my fingers. The bits of batting and lint from the thread floating through the air.

I'm thinking that tomorrow I might go in and tidy up a bit. I don't know about you but a messy sewing space just drives me nutty. I can't quite think straight when the space is messy and in limited space moving around easily is nearly impossible. Whew!

Once I get tidied up a bit I'll take pictures of the space and post them on line. I'm still working with a 35mm film camera. I like it, however getting stuff posted on line and for my totes a digital camera will work a bit better! DH and I were discussing this and within a month or so I'll have the camera. He's been doing the research (I love this guy!) and has a good idea of what will work for me. I'm really excited about the possibilities here!

Happy quilting!


1 comment:

Dawn-Marie said...

Oh I can't wait to see some of your quilting. Hurry up and get that camera! I hope you are feeling better. Got a sick kid and husband myself and am trying hard not to get it.
