Monday, October 8, 2007

The Quilt Show

The drive to the quilt show was absolutely fantastic. The autumn colors bursting forth are incredible. I'm partial to orange so I'm really enjoying the leaves this year so far. I really enjoy how nature puts colors together, she has her own unique style that is quite freeing when it comes to putting a quilt together.

We arrived at the quilt show just as it opened. How much fun is that! Having decided that we were on a scouting mission the quilt show takes on a whole new twist. Sarah (my co-chair) & I talked with various vendors, gathered business cards and made a couple of pages of notes for things we'd like to do at the show. Now, what we want and what will happen will probably be two different things. Be that as it may the over all quilt show was amazing. In several locations around the room they provided seating for viewers to take a rest.

The quilts were wonderful. I'm always amazed with what quilters can do with fabric and where their quilts come from. Each quilter brings her (or his) own unique perspective to quilting. We each see something different in the quilt. One thing that I realize anew with each show I attend is that what I see and how I see it is not what another quilter will see. For me I like brights, batiks and unusual fabrics and there are quilters who prefer and are amazing at bringing out the best in the 30's prints or small floral calicoes. That in and of itself is the beauty in our art - we share so publicly who we are and that our uniqueness can bring such amazing beauty.

At one of the vendors Sarah fell in love with a quilt top. They didn't have the fabric there and the shop was close enough that we decided to stop by on our way home. The lady giving directions mentioned a couple of land marks that I new of so the shop was easy enough to find. (Sew & Vac in Poughkeepsie if you're ever in that area). Sarah wanted to purchase the fabric to make a quilt for the Veterans project that were involved in. Our local VA is in the process of building an interim home for some of the vets coming through. They asked our guild to make quilts for the vets. So this will be one of them. After Sarah chatted with the owner of the shop she gave us not only the coupon off from the show but 20% off of the whole purchase for the quilt. That was incredibly sweet of her!

Before we left the show we talked with one of the show organizers who I meet here and there in between shows and were invited to stay for take-down. As the show ended at 4 we decided to head for home instead. I'm going to have our committee person contact her instead because she said they have the quilts down in about 30 minutes. That would be cool for our show as take down and return is a bit of a challenge.

So much to do!

Happy Quilting!



Howdy said...

Teri were you at the Berkshire Quilt show??

Dawn-Marie said...

Oh how fun. Wish I was there with you.
