Saturday, August 25, 2007

My first blog

Well, here I am, deciding to blog and enjoying how easy it is so far. My inspiration for beginning this new venture is my "new" friend Dawn Marie ( Dawn & I "met" years ago on-line and have just missed meeting each other several times until just recently. We had a lovely sewing day at Neen's went to DM's lqs and bought fabric! Woohoo. Anytime to buy fabric is a good time.

Dawn Marie and I have a challenge on for the next Maine State Quilt Guild Show - we each have a quilt to finish. Last night I worked on my quilt for several hours and the top is nearly completed. I have to add that I've had the blocks on my design wall (fancy term for a double bed that is standing up) for about a year now. Once I started though it didn't take long to get to where I am now.

This particular quilt is a tribute to two of my favorite quilters - Alex Anderson and Jinny Beyer. Both women have added so much to my quilting life and I'm grateful! The blocks are NY Beauty blocks and I'm using fabric from Alex's & Jinny's fabric lines. The fun part of getting so much sewing done last night is that I got so much sewing done last night. I'm pleased with how the quilt is progressing. I'll take photo's soon and post them.

Happy quilting!


Oh a bit of a funny - we quilters often find kindred spirits when it comes to fabric - I found one in Neen. At the Quilt Show in Manchester we both reached up and "petted" the Rhapsodee Colorie fabric (Ricky Tims new fabric line) at the same time and then about doubled over giggling!

1 comment:

Dawn-Marie said...

Great Blog. I am going to enjoying reading them. Oh as far as the challenge goes I don't think I had a say in this challenge. You cracked the whip and I jumped.LOL
