Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Blog Contest at post #68
There are a lot of bloggers who have a contest when they get to their 100th post. I'm impatient and I'm not going to wait that long, although it could be fun to see how long it takes me to get to 100 posts. This one here is post number 62. When I post #68 I'll have a contest and the winner will get one of my totes, either a purse or a small (12x12x3) tote bag, their choice of fabric.
We had a great guild meeting last night. A few folks from the local doll guild showed up to help a member demonstrate those lovely bra purses that are cropping up to help raise money for breast cancer awareness. Apparently at the event last year they raised enough funding to help three women get special prostheses after mastectomy's. For more information, go here.
So now the planning begins for our annual trip to Lancaster for the Quilters Heritage Celebration. I'm a little bummed as I'm not going. It's the first time since I joined the guild that I'm not going. For those of you who I will miss seeing, there's always next year. I do have a good reason though. I'm heading north and east to visit with family and it will be right around the same time of the anniversary of my dad's passing. A good time to go.
So now, I have another quilt to get finished by April. I've been playing around with a quilt for my gramma who will be 92 this year. I had the grand idea of photos but I think I'm heading in a different direction because I want to give this to her so she can enjoy it now rather than never. So off my butt and get going girl.
Happy quilting!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Lent and Making Room
I'm sitting here in what could be considered my jammies pondering life's meaning, where I've been, how I got here and where I'm headed. Better yet, where I think I'm headed.
Although this might seem like a bit of navel gazing this time actually has a purpose and a focus. Lent. Lent begins in just 4 days. As Catholics we make a small sacrifice (or a big one) to make more room for God. I'm trying to do that. What will I sacrifice now to make room for God, for Faith and better living overall?
I've considered giving up coffee. Mmmn, not such a good idea. Not solely because I like it and am most likely addicted to the caffeine but the negative effects on those around me just aren't good. I've also considered giving up chocolate (sweets). I really don't eat a lot of sweets so it's really not much of a sacrifice for me. And quite frankly, how does giving up chocolate get me closer to God in my relationship with Him? I've seriously considered giving up bread and pasta. This would be a huge sacrifice for me. I love bread, whole grain, high fiber yummy bread. OH, give me a loaf of bread and a tub of Smart Balance or some low-fat cheddar cheese and this is one happy girl, I could live on bread. I have bread at least once a day. Every time I see bread I could pray for the strength to get through Lent, for my family, my friends, and so much more. This would indeed bring me closer to God because it would only be by His grace and in His Mercy that I would be able to give up bread. This is seriously in the running.
I could give up morning tv and spend some time quietly reading and journaling. This wouldn't be so much of a sacrifice as it would be a commitment to spending time with God in the quiet. This is what I'm missing. The quiet alone time with God. I used to go on a prayer day once a month with my co-workers. I looked forward to this time alone, the quiet, the conversations the beauty that came from these conversations and the renewed focus of purpose & ministry. DH, a friend and I have talked for nearly a year about doing this and this is as good a time as any.
So now I'm off to work on writing, work on preparing for Lent and renewing my own focus.
This photo is fabric for DarlaNY's storm at sea block that I've been working on.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday afternoon musings
My gramma. A lovely lady with very straight white hair. She'll be 92 in July and I hope to one day be her age and with her health. My dmil said gramma looks just like Mrs. Clause to her and quite frankly I have to agree. Her youngest son is my dad (who died April 1st, 2007) and I get part of my love of writing from her, the journaling part, she's always kept a journal. I get the quirky oddball writing from dad, aka the rotten poet.
If you ever need a cover for your printer or photo copier let me know. This took less than 3 hours (including quilting time) to make. This has 5 panels and is made in a similar fashion to my tote bag line.
I'm so excited!! May 1st several friends and I are heading to Glens Falls, NY for the Ricky Tims Super Seminar with Alex Anderson & Libby Lehman. Quilt learning overload is on the horizon! A couple of folks who've taken the seminar have raved about it and the fact that they begin things promptly. I looked at the schedule yesterday as I chatted with a friend (we were looking for restaurants in the area) and 7:30 AM is the first class on Friday & Saturday. Okay, just give me coffee and I should be fine! I don't think there will be a late night to be had. Since I'm the driver I need to make sure I sleep well Friday night.
That Sunday is the Northern Star Quilt Show in Somers. I've got to get off my butt and finish my NYBeauty, I'd like to enter it into the show.
Happy Quilting!
PS I'm working on a book, publishing my tote bag patterns and would like to include questions & answers, so if you have a quilt related question that I can answer and include in the book please post a comment here on the blog! I look forward to hearing from you.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Flat Alice is Coming! Flat Alice is Coming!
I can't begin to share with you how excited I am that Flat Alice is coming! Why would I possibly be excited that she's coming? What are we going to do together? All in good time, all in good time.
JB and I have been friends for a long time. We're what my friend Dawn Marie would call old friends, you know the kind that takes a long time to grow. We met back in the 80's at her church and our friendship really blossomed when she began her year of volunteer service in 1990. (I see a friendship celebration some time in 2010! Any excuse for a party works for me!) Oh and JB when you read this let's start thinking of some ideas for this celebration.
We were both married the same year about 4 weeks apart. She has 4 kids I have two cats. While my cats are no where near being the same as her children and certainly do not take the same time, I still have 2 cats.
JB called yesterday to ask if I'd help with her daughters homework. She made a brown craft paper cut out of her daughter and she's sending her to me for a 5 week visit. I need to take photos & keep a journal of our time together.
Some of the places we'll go include the coffee shop where I have coffee and write my book and some of the stories I've shared on this blog and have quilt show meetings with my co-chair (who does not have a blog) while I wait for my dmil while she's at therapy.
Then there are the two quilt guild meetings. And Stew Leonards oh I have to take Flat Alice to Stew Leonards. JB's husband is a dairy farmer so it just makes sense that I take Flat Alice to see where milk ends up after it leaves the farm. I don't know if the usual critters are there right now, if so, a photo with the critters will be in order.
I want to "teach" Flat Alice how to piece and quilt while she's here. Oh goodness now I have to get my sewing room tidied. (Any excuse to tidy that room is a good excuse) I have a "bed" for her - the design wall, I'm going to figure out how to keep her there without pinning her like a quilt block.
Lots of things to do while Flat Alice is here. And since I have several projects I'm working on right now so her help will be greatly welcomed!
Happy Quilting!
JB and I have been friends for a long time. We're what my friend Dawn Marie would call old friends, you know the kind that takes a long time to grow. We met back in the 80's at her church and our friendship really blossomed when she began her year of volunteer service in 1990. (I see a friendship celebration some time in 2010! Any excuse for a party works for me!) Oh and JB when you read this let's start thinking of some ideas for this celebration.
We were both married the same year about 4 weeks apart. She has 4 kids I have two cats. While my cats are no where near being the same as her children and certainly do not take the same time, I still have 2 cats.
JB called yesterday to ask if I'd help with her daughters homework. She made a brown craft paper cut out of her daughter and she's sending her to me for a 5 week visit. I need to take photos & keep a journal of our time together.
Some of the places we'll go include the coffee shop where I have coffee and write my book and some of the stories I've shared on this blog and have quilt show meetings with my co-chair (who does not have a blog) while I wait for my dmil while she's at therapy.
Then there are the two quilt guild meetings. And Stew Leonards oh I have to take Flat Alice to Stew Leonards. JB's husband is a dairy farmer so it just makes sense that I take Flat Alice to see where milk ends up after it leaves the farm. I don't know if the usual critters are there right now, if so, a photo with the critters will be in order.
I want to "teach" Flat Alice how to piece and quilt while she's here. Oh goodness now I have to get my sewing room tidied. (Any excuse to tidy that room is a good excuse) I have a "bed" for her - the design wall, I'm going to figure out how to keep her there without pinning her like a quilt block.
Lots of things to do while Flat Alice is here. And since I have several projects I'm working on right now so her help will be greatly welcomed!
Happy Quilting!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A 2nd grade adventure or How I learned how to bake bread
Second grade. The teacher, can't remember. The school, new to me. The kids, waaaaaaay, new to me. Library time, my favorite time of the week, we got to get books! One Friday afternoon as I perused the titles available I picked up a book titled "How to Bake a Loaf of Bread" (I checked the NYPL and sadly, it's not available). The book follows a kid baking a loaf of bread with his mom from measuring all the ingredients to taking the loaf out of the oven at just the right moment to enjoy. I read the book and thought to myself, I can do this.
Saturday morning dawns bright and early. (Never was one for sleeping in often, bugger!) Mum goes next door for coffee and a chat and I begin my adventure in Bread Baking!
I found the biggest bowl we had (the one mum actually used for rising bread dough) and the measuring cups (those are so necessary) and all the ingredients. Flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and warm water. I had the book right next to me so I would know what step came next. The water was just right as the yeast and sugar just bubbled away happily. Then the first bit of flour, stir, stir, stir with the big wooden spoon. I mixed in the flour and kneaded the dough (how I properly kneaded dough with my short arms is beyond me).
I let the dough rest while I cleaned out the bowl and oiled the bowl, placed the dough inside and just like mum, put the lid on to let the dough rise. Now this is just the perfect sunshiny day where a kid wants to go play outside. So I did, rising dough and all.
When the rising time ended I went back inside. By this time mum came home from the neighbors and wasn't too thrilled with the mess I'd left in the kitchen. (The book didn't cover the steps of cleaning up the kitchen, we were just baking a loaf of bread!) So now mum and I were working together, I kneaded the dough again and placed it on the baking sheet to rise while we tidied up the kitchen. Mum wanted to put the bread in loaf pans but I insisted it had to be on the baking sheet because that's how it is in the book!
The bread went in the oven, baked the right amount of time and voila! hot, crusty bread, baked by a kid in second grade, pretty much on her own. I've loved baking bread ever since.
This big adventure led to bigger adventures in baking - cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, cake decorating. I have more cooking and baking books than I do quilting books. Of course I'm married to a guy who isn't much into baked goods, which I suppose is a good thing.
Happy Sunday!
Saturday morning dawns bright and early. (Never was one for sleeping in often, bugger!) Mum goes next door for coffee and a chat and I begin my adventure in Bread Baking!
I found the biggest bowl we had (the one mum actually used for rising bread dough) and the measuring cups (those are so necessary) and all the ingredients. Flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and warm water. I had the book right next to me so I would know what step came next. The water was just right as the yeast and sugar just bubbled away happily. Then the first bit of flour, stir, stir, stir with the big wooden spoon. I mixed in the flour and kneaded the dough (how I properly kneaded dough with my short arms is beyond me).
I let the dough rest while I cleaned out the bowl and oiled the bowl, placed the dough inside and just like mum, put the lid on to let the dough rise. Now this is just the perfect sunshiny day where a kid wants to go play outside. So I did, rising dough and all.
When the rising time ended I went back inside. By this time mum came home from the neighbors and wasn't too thrilled with the mess I'd left in the kitchen. (The book didn't cover the steps of cleaning up the kitchen, we were just baking a loaf of bread!) So now mum and I were working together, I kneaded the dough again and placed it on the baking sheet to rise while we tidied up the kitchen. Mum wanted to put the bread in loaf pans but I insisted it had to be on the baking sheet because that's how it is in the book!
The bread went in the oven, baked the right amount of time and voila! hot, crusty bread, baked by a kid in second grade, pretty much on her own. I've loved baking bread ever since.
This big adventure led to bigger adventures in baking - cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, cake decorating. I have more cooking and baking books than I do quilting books. Of course I'm married to a guy who isn't much into baked goods, which I suppose is a good thing.
Happy Sunday!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Learning something new every day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I've heard that since I was wee little and I tell you what, it's true. A good breakfast will get me through the day like no other thing I know. . . even coffee. (Okay, that's not exactly true, coffee goes a long way toward Teri being a happy quilter.)
So this morning I decided that Sweet Potato Pancakes were on the menu. Get out the mix and look at the directions. I noticed something this morning. (had enough coffee I guess) I'd made the silly things wrong for months. Can you believe this? Breakfast comes far too early in the day for me, that's for sure. Anyway, I'm looking at the back of the package and it hits me, I've been putting too much water and not enough mix. Somehow in my morning fog I'd been using 1/2 cup water and 1/3 cup mix when the directions call for 1/2 cup mix and 1/3 cup water. Now I know why these things are so good! Whooppeee.
I've spent the better part of the last half hour watching these learning videos for Creative Suite 3. Oh man! these explanations are great. Then, I clicked on something to view the next video and realized that in each category there are multiple videos for learning the Suite. So in a few minutes I'm going back to watch some more.
I did promise pictures of some recently completed work I have one fun one that will set the tone and allow me to be happy sharing my work while I get the rest of the pictures so here goes:

I like Jimmy Buffets music and his restaurant...I like this photo better than the first one I took of this coaster, wanna see it?
Probably not, but I learned something from this too.
Sometimes white on white is a good background and sometime it's just not. Here it's just not. The fabric from the tote bag I made just makes the colors in the coaster seem much more vibrant and exciting, where with the white on white it's just blah.
So here's the tote bag the fabric for the inside is just as fun as the fabric for the outside of the tote.

Next on the list finish the knitters totes and do some work on the NYBeauty - one of the curves is off just a bit and it's creating a bit of waviness and I know I can fix it.
Happy Quilting!
So this morning I decided that Sweet Potato Pancakes were on the menu. Get out the mix and look at the directions. I noticed something this morning. (had enough coffee I guess) I'd made the silly things wrong for months. Can you believe this? Breakfast comes far too early in the day for me, that's for sure. Anyway, I'm looking at the back of the package and it hits me, I've been putting too much water and not enough mix. Somehow in my morning fog I'd been using 1/2 cup water and 1/3 cup mix when the directions call for 1/2 cup mix and 1/3 cup water. Now I know why these things are so good! Whooppeee.
I've spent the better part of the last half hour watching these learning videos for Creative Suite 3. Oh man! these explanations are great. Then, I clicked on something to view the next video and realized that in each category there are multiple videos for learning the Suite. So in a few minutes I'm going back to watch some more.
I did promise pictures of some recently completed work I have one fun one that will set the tone and allow me to be happy sharing my work while I get the rest of the pictures so here goes:
I like Jimmy Buffets music and his restaurant...I like this photo better than the first one I took of this coaster, wanna see it?
Probably not, but I learned something from this too.
Sometimes white on white is a good background and sometime it's just not. Here it's just not. The fabric from the tote bag I made just makes the colors in the coaster seem much more vibrant and exciting, where with the white on white it's just blah.
Next on the list finish the knitters totes and do some work on the NYBeauty - one of the curves is off just a bit and it's creating a bit of waviness and I know I can fix it.
Happy Quilting!
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